FAQ Directory: Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH)

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5.24.2018 KM 02 G What are the expectations for assessing a patient’s social determinants of health? How many social determinants are required for each patient? Are any specific social determinants required to be collected?

Practices must collect and document information on what may influence a patient’s overall safety, risk factors, health and well-being. The practice should consider all potential social determinants of health when collecting information from patients; however, practices are not required to have a complete list of every possible social determinant of health assessed for every patient. The purpose of this requirement is to collect information on areas that may be influencing/affecting a patient's health and well-being, many of which could be observed by the clinician/care team. Each practice is unique and there may be social determinants of health that are more common for their patient population as compared to others. Therefore, the practice may want to consider identifying common areas and develop standard questions to ask patients. However, the practice should not limit the assessment to just the most common areas or fields provided in their EHRs, to ensure all relevant information is documented in the patient's medical record.

PCMH 2017