Credentials Verification Organization Certification
Verifying credentials is an essential safety component of the health care system. Health care organizations must establish the qualifications of their licensed medical professionals by assessing their background and legitimacy to provide care.

NCQA Credentials Verification Organization (CVO) Certification helps improve verification operations and protect consumers by ensuring a consistent, effective and diligent verification process.
NCQA CVO Certification focuses on consumer protection and customer service improvement. It provides a framework for organizations to implement industry best practices that help them efficiently verify practitioner credentials.
The standards help credentials verification organizations identify gaps for improvement and align their services with those desired by potential contracting organizations.
Why Credentials Verification?
Deliver efficient services
Apply industry best practices that improve the credentials verification process.
Elevate your organization’s reputation
Demonstrate the quality of your organization’s programs to employers, regulatory agencies, health plans and MBHOs.
Align with state requirements
Adoption of industry best practices improves the likelihood that your organization’s operations align with state requirements.
Expand revenue streams and secure new contracts
Earning a Certification from NCQA, the largest accreditor of health plans, increases your potential client base.
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