Comment Letters

Our Public Policy team regularly submits comment letters to federal and state entities on a broad range of health care topics. Read our most recent comment letters below.

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  1. 01.29.2018

    NCQA Congratulates HHS Secretary Azar on his Confirmation

    NCQA looks forward to working with Azar on our shared goal of high-quality, efficient, affordable health care.

  2. 11.28.2017

    NCQA Comments on Final Rule for QPP Year 2

    NCQA supports higher patient-centered practice thresholds and urges auto-credit for these practices use of health IT.

  3. 11.21.2017

    NCQA Comments on Proposed 2019 ACA Exchange/Marketplace Rules

    NCQA urges CMS to rely on Exchange-specific accreditation and address disparities via stratification.

  4. 11.15.2017

    NCQA Comments on CMMI’s New Direction

    NCQA provides feedback on the CMS Request for Information regarding the Innovation Center's New Direction.

  5. 09.26.2017

    NCQA Response to Ways & Means Provider Statutory & Regulatory Relief Initiative

    NCQA provides feedback to W&M on how to reduce provider burden in quality measurement with a fully automated system for quality measure reporting.

  6. 08.24.2017

    NCQA Comments on Proposed 2018 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Rule

    NCQA believes increased support for reporting clinical quality performance measurement data via electronic clinical data systems is essential for improving flexibility and efficiency.

  7. 08.03.2017

    NCQA Comments on 2018 Quality Payment Program Proposed Rule

    NCQA provides feedback on proposed updates to the Quality Payment Program for CY2018

  8. 07.12.2017

    NCQA Responds to CMS RFI on ACA Burdens

    NCQA urges CMS to allow deeming for accredited Exchange plans, and to reduce clinical quality measure reporting burden by moving to well-designed & tested electronic clinical quality measures.

  9. 07.12.2017

    NCQA Responds to CMS RFI on ACA Burdens

    NCQA supports expanded telehealth, more site-neutral payments, and urges support for quality reporting via electronic data systems to reduce burden on clinicians.

  10. 06.13.2017

    NCQA Patient Choice and Quality Care Act Endorsement

    NCQA supports bipartisan legislation to improve advanced and end-of-life care.

  11. 05.12.2017

    Medicare Advantage & MACRA APMs

    NCQA and eight other leading health groups are urging CMS to give clinicians MACRA Advanced APM credit for participating in Medicare Advantage APMs.

  12. 04.24.2017

    Medicare Advantage RFI Behavioral Joint Letter

    NCQA and 15 consumer and behavioral health advocacy groups urged CMS to add behavioral measures to the Medicare Advantage Star Ratings.