FAQ Directory: Utilization Management, Credentialing and Provider Network

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7.17.2023 UM 5, Elements A-C: Notifying the Practitioner If an organization receives a request from a provider rather than a practitioner (for example, a lab or DME company), may the organization address the UM denial notification to the provider without also notifying the attending or treating practitioner as well?

No. Only addressing the UM denial notification to the provider does not meet the intent of the requirement. The UM denial notification must also be addressed to the attending/treating practitioner.

If information on the attending/treating practitioner was not provided with the request, the organization attempts to identify the practitioner and documents its efforts to identify the practitioner. If the organization is not able to obtain the name of the attending/treating practitioner, the practitioner’s name is not required. In such a case, the organization must address the notification "To the Attention of the Attending/Treating Practitioner.”

For urgent concurrent decisions, the organization may inform the hospital Utilization Review department staff without attempting to identify the attending/treating practitioner, with the understanding that staff will inform the practitioner.

In all cases, if the practitioner is not known, the organization must address the notification “To the Attention of the Attending/Treating Practitioner”; the practitioner’s name is not required.

UM_CR 2023