We’ve Extended the Deadline for HEDIS Reporting

April 29, 2024 · Andy Reynolds

The bottom line

  • In consultation with CMS, NCQA is granting health plans an extra 2 weeks to report Measurement Year 2023 HEDIS results. Results must be submitted by to 5:00 p.m. (ET), June 28, 2024.
  • This change will help the industry cope with disruptions caused by the February cyberattack on Change Healthcare.

 What’s affected

  • All HEDIS reporting. This includes:
    • Any health plan that sends HEDIS results to NCQA (not just Change Healthcare customers).
    • Patient-level detail files (Medicare contracts).
  • Timelines for NCQA products that use HEDIS. Expect extensions for products that use HEDIS data. We will announce new schedules soon for:

 Yes, but…

  • Check with your state. If your contract/agreement with a state or other business partner requires you to submit HEDIS data, check with them to see if this extension applies. NCQA does not know if everyone health plans work with can accommodate our new deadline.
  • Use the extra time only if you need it. If you are on track to meet the original deadline, there’s no need to delay. We suggest you stick to the regular schedule if you can.
  • Honor your contracts. Don’t break contracts with vendors or auditors.

 What’s not changing

  • Two-week plan lock. Two weeks before submitting data to NCQA, plans should lock their submission to indicate to auditors that data are final and ready for validation. If you can keep to the regular June 14 deadline (see above), stick to the May 31 plan lock.
  • The reporting portal. Submit HEDIS data to NCQA using the Interactive Data Submission System (IDSS).
  • Other reporting requirements. Submissions must be marked final and attestations must be signed. There will be no extensions, late submissions or resubmissions after 5:00 p.m. (ET) June 28.
  • Methodologies for NCQA products that use HEDIS. The “when” will change for things like Quality Compass, Health Plan Ratings and Health Plan Accreditation (see above). That “what” and “how” will not.
  • HEDIS reporting next year. This deadline extension is in response to the Change Healthcare cyberattack. This change is not a precedent for future HEDIS reporting.

Get answers to your questions

You can learn more through My NCQA.

After logging in, click the My Questions tab, then click Ask a Question.

  • Select PCS (Policy/Program Clarification Support).
  • For Product/Program Type, click HEDIS Audit in the drop-down box.
  • For General Content Area, click Other Audit.


  • Is CMS changing the reporting requirements for HEDIS MY 2023?
    Yes. The data submission deadline for HEDIS MY 2023 has been extended for Medicare and Exchange contracts. These contracts must submit summary-level data to NCQA by 5:00 p.m. (ET), June 28, 2024. Medicare contracts must submit HEDIS patient-level detail files by this date as well.
  • Is NCQA extending the deadline to submit HEDIS MY 2023 results for all NCQA programs including Quality Compass, Health Plan Ratings and Health Plan Accreditation programs?
    Yes. HEDIS MY 2023 submissions used for all NCQA’s programs, including Quality Compass, Health Plan Ratings and Health Plan Accreditation programs, will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. (ET), June 28, 2024.
  • How will HEDIS MY 2023 performance results be used in NCQA programs and products?
    All organizations are required to submit performance results according to HEDIS MY 2023 technical specifications. No modifications to existing methodologies are anticipated for NCQA programs and products. Changes will be shared in future communications, if necessary.
  • How will this extension affect the release date of MY 2023 results in NCQA products and programs?
    Organizations should expect delays to previously announced timelines for release of MY 2023 results in NCQA products and programs.
  • What requirements supersede the HEDIS MY 2023 deadline extension?
    Organizations reporting to meet state or other contractual requirements that require submission of HEDIS through the IDSS by June 14 must adhere to that deadline, unless otherwise permitted by the program to extend to June 28.The extended window to submit HEDIS MY 2023 should not be used as a basis to default on contractual agreements with vendors and HEDIS Compliance Audit Licensed Organizations.
  • Is this extension granted to only organizations affected by the Change Healthcare cyberattack?
    No. NCQA is extending the window for all organizations, but strongly encourages organizations to maintain their preexisting HEDIS MY 2023 operational timeline for submission if no relief is needed. The May 31 plan lock deadline is encouraged, and the plan lock should be applied approximately 2 weeks before the final submission deadline.
  • Will NCQA offer additional time for medical record review with the deadline extension?
    No. Deadlines for medical record review were already modified for organizations with chart retrieval and/or abstraction performed through Change Healthcare tools and services that were disrupted by the cyberattack. NCQA will not approve further modifications to the timeline.
  • Can health plans expect more changes for HEDIS MY 2023 reporting requirements?
    No. NCQA will not approve late submissions or additional extensions (e.g., resubmissions) for HEDIS MY 2023 beyond 5:00 p.m. (ET), June 28, 2024, nor use of prior year’s performance data for HEDIS MY 2023 submissions.
  • Will NCQA use this extended submission date for future HEDIS reporting?
    No. This extended deadline is a specific response to the Change Healthcare cyberattack, and does not create a precedent for changes to future HEDIS reporting.



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