School-Based Medical Home Recognition: Program Retirement


NCQA has retired the School-Based Medical Home Recognition Program effective October 25, 2019. Organizations that have already earned accreditation will maintain their status through their expiration date. For a listing of the organizations currently accredited, visit the NCQA Report Cards 

For School-Based Health Centers:

The School-Based Medical Home Recognition Program was built on the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model, which puts patients first. It emphasizes team-based care, effective communication and coordination and helps foster relationships between patients and their clinical care teams.  

That’s why we are recommending school-based health centers pursue either the Patient-Centered Medical Home or Patient-Centered Connected Care Recognition programs as alternatives. A PCMH pursuit would require that you serve as the primary care provider for a large majority of your patient population. The Patient-Centered Connected Care program follows a similar model, but it does not include the patient proportion requirement.

Learn more about PCMH Recognition or Patient-Centered Connected Care Recognition.



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