The file should be scored "Yes.” A person making the appeal decision is different from, and not subordinate to, an automated system.
UM_CR 2017
The criterion referenced must be identifiable by name and must be specific to an organization or source (e.g., ABC PBM’s Criteria for Treatment of Hypothyroidism with Synthroid or CriteriaCompany Inc.’s Guidelines for Wound Treatment). If it is clear that the criterion is attributable to the organization, it is acceptable to state “our Criteria for XXX” (e.g., our Criteria for Treating High Cholesterol with Lipitor).
Note: This also applies to Element E and Element H in HPA and Element E in UM-CR.
UM_CR 2016
For the 2016 standards year, NCQA evaluates and scores the UM 4, Element H file review as normal during the onsite survey.
The final score will be adjusted, after the onsite survey, to 100% if the organization includes all denials required by UM 4, Element H in the file review universe.
If the organization does not include all denials in the file review universe, NCQA will adjust the organization's final score to 50% for the 2016 standards year and 0% thereafter.
UM_CR 2016
The following types of denials are excluded from the file review for UM 4, Element H (UM 4F in UM-CR and MBHO):
UM_CR 2016
The following denials (rejections) are included in the scope of UM 4, Element H (UM 4, Element F in MBHO and UM-CR):
* Inaccurately filed claims that were rejected because of incorrect dosage or quantity may be considered pending until a decision is made. If the request is denied, the claim is included in the scope of UM 4, Element H.
UM_CR 2016
The following types of denials are included in file review for UM 4, Element H (UM 4F in UM-CR and MBHO):
UM_CR 2016
No. If an organization inadvertently includes a medical necessity denial in the UM 4H benefit denial file review, NCQA verifies that the file is appropriately classified as a medical necessity denial. If so, NCQA scores the file NA. If not, NCQA reviews the files under the benefit denial requirements of UM 4H.
UM_CR 2016
Yes. If an organization inadvertently includes a benefit denial in the UM 4–UM 7 medical necessity denial file reviews, NCQA verifies that the file is appropriately classified as a benefit denial. If so, NCQA scores the file NA. If not, NCQA reviews the files under the medical necessity denial requirements of UM 4–UM 7.
UM_CR 2016
No. The outcome (reason for the denial) determines which files are included. If the decision is not made on the basis of medical necessity, but on the basis of a benefit or an administrative limitation, the file is included in the scope of UM 4, Element H (UM 4F in UM-CR and MBHO).
UM_CR 2016
Organizations seeking accreditation or certification in UM under the 2016 standards may receive automatic credit for updating delegation agreements prior to survey tool submission, to include:
Updates may be made to the delegation agreement, to an addendum or in other binding communication between the organization and the delegate.
UM_CR 2016