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9.16.2024 New FDA approved blood test for Colorectal Cancer Screening measure (COL-E) Can an FDA approved blood test be used when reporting the COL-E measure?

The Colorectal Cancer Screening (COL-E) measure is based on the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) guidelines for colorectal cancer screening. The guidelines do not recommend serum (blood) testing (e.g., blood-based biomarker) and for this reason it does not meet criteria for the HEDIS measure. NCQA continually monitors clinical practice guidelines as they are updated.

HEDIS 2025

9.16.2024 PCS Questions Do answers from the Policy Clarification Support system have an expiration date?

Yes. Organizations may not use PCS responses that are over 3 years old. If your question relates directly to a measure specification or general guideline that was revised from a previous measurement year, submit the question rather than using the answer in PCS.

HEDIS 2025

9.16.2024 LTI Exclusion How can the LTI exclusion be identified?

Only the LTI flag in the Monthly Membership Detail Data File may be used when identifying this exclusion. No other data sources may be used.

HEDIS 2025

9.16.2024 Sampling for Glycemic Status Assessment for Patients With Diabetes (GSD), Eye Exam for Patients With Diabetes (EED), Blood Pressure Control for Patients With Diabetes (BPD) Measures For hybrid reporting, can the same sample be used for two measures (such as GSD and EED) and a different sample be used for another measure (BPD)?

Yes. Organizations may use the same sample for all measures, the same sample for two measures and a different sample for the third measure, or different samples for the three diabetes measures (GSD, EED, BPD).

HEDIS 2024

8.15.2024 Retroactive Changes to System Controls Standards NCQA posted a memo with changes to the NCQA Accreditation Standards for the 2024 and 2025 Standards Years indicating that organizations are no longer required to describe their process for system controls monitoring or their auditing methodology in their policies and procedures (e.g., UM 12, Element A, factor 7 in HPA is scored NA). Does this mean organizations are no longer required to monitor their UM and CR system controls as required in the oversight elements (e.g., UM 12, Element B in HPA)?

No. Organizations are still required to monitor for system controls. The NA for the system controls policies and procedures requirement (e.g., UM 12, Element A, factor 7, in Health Plan Accreditation) does not affect an organization’s ability to meet the corresponding system controls monitoring requirement (e.g., UM 12, Element B in Health Plan Accreditation); it means the organization is not required to describe the monitoring process in its policies and procedures, but must monitor that its systems are protecting data from unauthorized modifications. Also, as noted in “Related information” in the monitoring requirements (e.g., UM 12, Element B in Health Plan Accreditation), NCQA only reviews specific components for monitoring (e.g., for UM, NCQA reviews that the organization monitored receipt and notification dates).

Note: The referenced memo is on the NCQA website at https://www.ncqa.org/wp-content/uploads/2025-Retroactive-Changes-Memo_Final.pdf. It applies to the 2024/2025 standards year only; no exceptions (NA scores or other changes) will be made for the 2023 or prior standards years. Surveys conducted on standards prior to 2024 standards will be reviewed and scored accordingly; any corrective actions issued prior to the 2024 standards still apply

HP 2024

7.08.2024 Can adult practices submit Influenza Immunization or the Pneumococcal Vaccination Status for Older Adults as a custom measure for the immunization category in 2025?

Yes. Adult practices can submit one of these as a custom immunization measure. Since neither of these have 2024 specifications in the eCQI Resource Center, you will need to enter the  numerator/denominator definitions along with your data.


7.08.2024 For KM 09, we collect race separate from ethnicity. We do not use the race/ethnicity combination category. Do we need to have “Middle Eastern or North African” options under the race-specific category?

The OMB is requiring “Middle Eastern or North African” for the race/ethnicity combination list. If you do not have “Middle Eastern or North African” as a race only option (if you are collecting race and ethnicity separately), it is ok.

We are instructing practices to work with their vendor to include the “Middle Eastern or North African” option to the combination race/ethnicity category so practices can transition to the OMB race/ethnicity combo for future collection.


7.02.2024 July 2024 PCMH Summary of Updates What changes were made to the PCMH Standards and Guidelines for Version 10?

KM 09: DiversityAdded “Middle Eastern or North African” to the race/ethnicity combined category.

Also, added this note, “The OMB updated the combined Race and Ethnicity categories in 2024 to include the Middle Eastern or North African population; this is reflected in the publications. If this option is not yet available, work with your vendor to ensure compliance with the OMB.” 

CC 16: Post-Hospital/ED Visit Follow-UpAdded a note, "All discharged patients should be contacted, although not every patient may require a follow-up in the primary care practice." 
AR-QI 1: Clinical Quality Measures and AR-QI 2: Resource Stewardship MeasuresAdded this note, “Practices should review measure data before submission, to ensure data are captured accurately and that numbers reflect practice performance and patient population.”
AR-QI 1: CQMsRemoved three retired measures. CMS 127: Pneumococcal vaccination status for older adults; CMS 147: Influenza immunization; CMS 161: Adult major depressive disorder: Suicide risk assessment.

Adult practices may submit a custom immunization measure and pediatrics practices must select CMS 117: Childhood immunization status: Combination 10.

Adult practices do not need to submit a request for a custom immunization measure.

AR-QI 1C: Chronic/Acute Clinical Quality MeasurePediatric practices do not need to submit a request via My NCQA to request a custom measure if they were granted a custom chronic/acute measure in 2024.
AR-QI 1: CQMsTwo new eCQM measures added. CMS 314v1: HIV Viral Suppression (chronic/acute) and CMS 1188v1: Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing for People with HIV (other preventive).
Appendix 6: MAC PolicyChanged contact email to rpsig@ncqa.org and removed the mailing address.

PCMH 2017

7.02.2024 July 2024 PCSP Summary of Updates What changes were made to the PCSP Standards and Guidelines for Version 7?

KM 06: DiversityAdded “Middle Eastern or North African” to the race/ethnicity combined category.
Also, added this note, “The OMB updated the combined Race and Ethnicity categories in 2024 to include the Middle Eastern or North African population; this is reflected in the publications. If this option is not yet available, work with your vendor to ensure compliance with the OMB.” 
AR-QI 1: Clinical Quality Measures and AR-QI 2: Resource Stewardship MeasuresAdded this note, “Practices should review measure data before submission, to ensure data are captured accurately and that numbers reflect practice performance and patient population.”
Appendix 4: MAC PolicyChanged contact email to rpsig@ncqa.org and removed the mailing address.

PCSP 2019

6.24.2024 Is there a threshold for CMS 68: Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record?

No, unless otherwise stated in the specifications, quality measures do not have thresholds that must be met.  

With that said, CMS 68 is similar to KM-15 (core): Maintaining an up-to-date list of medications for more than 80% of patients. Both sets of data require the same action of updating the medication list. However, they differ in that CMS 68 is for patients age 18+ and must be captured at every visit, whereas KM-15 is for all patients at any given time. It is unlikely that there would be a large variance between CMS 68 and KM-15. NCQA requests a note be added in QPASS if CMS 68 differs greatly from KM-15's 80% requirement. This is to provide context to the Review Oversight Committee to better understand your practice and environment. 

If your practice is in Annual Reporting, practices attest that they are in compliance with all core criteria and could provide evidence that they are meeting the more than 80% requirement of KM-15. 

PCMH 2017

6.14.2024 RxNorm codes for Asthma Medication Ratio (AMR) Can RxNorm codes be used when identifying the required exclusion for members who had no asthma controller or reliever medications dispensed during the measurement year?

No. Although the Asthma Controller and Reliever Medication List includes RxNorm codes, they should not be used to identify dispensing events for this required exclusion. Only use pharmacy data (NDC codes) when assessing asthma controller or reliever medication dispensing events for this required exclusion. Because a dispensing event is required to calculate the numerator, members who had no dispensing events should be removed from the measure.

HEDIS 2024

5.21.2024 Inpatient Stay Value Set for Emergency Department Visits for Hypoglycemia in Older Adults with Diabetes (EDH) The HEDIS MY 2024 Value Set Directory (VSD) states that the Inpatient Stay Value Set was deleted from the EDH measure. Please clarify if it should be used for risk adjustment.

Yes, as described in the Guidelines for Risk Adjusted Utilization Measures, organizations must use the Inpatient Stay Value Set for the risk adjustment comorbidity category determination (use the Inpatient Stay Value Set to identify acute and nonacute inpatient discharges with a discharge date during the classification period). The value set was mistakenly deleted from the EDH measure in the VSD. Because the guidelines clearly state that the value set must be used, NCQA does not intend to reissue the VSD.

HEDIS 2024