Swim with “sharks” (or pitch to them!) at Digital Quality Summit

May 31, 2022 · Matt Brock

This summer brings an exciting development.  It’s one that could stir your competitive nature AND advance health care quality.

NCQA and Health Level Seven® (HL7) International are hosting the sixth annual Digital Quality Summit, an interactive event focused on innovative solutions to quality measurement challenges.

Pitching to Sharks

sharks swimmingNew for 2022, NCQA and HL7 invite you to be part of the Digital Quality “Shark Tank”—a battle of mHealth apps that support quality care. App developers will have 6 minutes to pitch their technology from the Digital Quality Summit main stage.

The audience (“sharks”) will vote to choose winners, including:

  • Best in Show: The overall audience favorite.
  • The MacGyver: The most clever and resourceful app that uses whatever’s handy.
  • The Game Changer: How did we ever live without this?
  • Mission Impossible: Does what couldn’t be done!

Jump in! Register to attend the Digital Quality Summit!

Got an app to pitch? Here’s how to apply:

  • Send a 1-page summary or a 5-minute video to dqs@ncqa.org by June 13 explaining:
    • The quality problem your app addresses.
    • How your app works and key features users can see.
    • Why your app is different, and why it matters.

So, get to work! Plan your pitch. We can’t wait.



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