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Comment Letter NCQA Comments on ONC’s Draft USCDI+ Maternal Health Dataset

Last modified 07.26.2024

NCQA is supportive of the included elements in the draft dataset to support maternal health services and outcomes and offers recommendations to improve its completeness and specificity.

Comment Letter NCQA comments on ONC’s Health Equity by Design concept paper

Last modified 06.12.2024

NCQA is encouraged by the ONC’s proposed approach for Health Equity by Design; suggests some guiding principles to inform the framework.

Comment Letter NCQA Comments on ONC’s USCDI Draft v5

Last modified 06.03.2024

NCQA is pleased to provide comments on the proposals and considerations outlined for USCDI version 5.

Comment Letter NCQA Responds to CMS’s CY 2025 Medicare Advantage Advance Notice

Last modified 03.05.2024

NCQA supports CMS’s proposed updates for the Star Ratings program and appreciates CMS’s continued efforts to promote measure alignment across programs and adopt measures that leverage electronic clinal data.

Comment Letter NCQA Responds to House Budget Committee Health Care Task Force RFI

Last modified 01.02.2024

NCQA believes that reducing health care costs while improving patient outcomes requires innovation in both the delivery of care and payment approaches.

Comment Letter NCQA Comments on CMS’s CY 2024 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule

Last modified 09.18.2023

NCQA highlights health equity, person-centered care, behavioral health care, and digital transformation in their comments on the CMS Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule.

Comment Letter NCQA Comments on 2023 Medicaid Managed Care Proposed Rule

Last modified 08.18.2023

NCQA supports CMS proposed rule to make it easier for states to leverage NCQA Health Plan Accreditation for non-duplication.

Comment Letter NCQA Comments on HCBS Access Rule

Last modified 08.18.2023

NCQA highlights the advantages to states for leveraging NCQA LTSS programs to meet proposed CMS rules for HCBS access.

Comment Letter NCQA Responds to CMS RFI: Episode-Based Payment Model

Last modified 08.18.2023

NCQA provides comments on the CMS RFI in the following areas: care delivery and incentive structure alignment; quality measures, interoperability and multi-payer alignment; and health equity.

Comment Letter NCQA Comments on OMB’s Initial Proposals for Updating Race and Ethnicity Standards

Last modified 07.26.2023

NCQA supports the expansion of race and ethnicity categories and encourages OMB to provide guidance on implementation to ensure data are meaningful and usable.