FAQ Directory: Long-Term Services and Supports Distinction for Health Plans

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5.15.2020 UM 5: Medicaid lookback period For Renewal Surveys, the look-back period is specified as 6 months for the Medicaid product line in UM 5, Elements A-C. Is this correct?

No. The look-back period should be specified as 12 months for all product lines, for Renewal Surveys, which is consistent with the other file review standards and elements. NCQA initially changed the scope of review to account for a change made to verbal notification and how it no longer affords organizations an extension.

However, because of this error, if an organization does not meet a factor in UM 5, Elements A-C within the first 6 months of the look-back period, NCQA does not penalize the organization and scores the file “NA” instead of “Not Met” for Medicaid surveys.

HP 2020