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11.15.2023 Members Recommended for Routine Cervical Cancer Screening The Cervical Cancer Screening (CCS and CCS-E) measures include the following criteria to identify members recommended for routine cervical cancer screening:
• Administrative Gender of Female (AdministrativeGender code F) any time in the member’s history.
• Sex Assigned at Birth (LOINC code 76689-9) of Female (LOINC code LA3-6) any time in the member’s history.
• Sex Parameter for Clinical Use of Female (SexParameterForClinicalUse code Female-typical) during the measurement year.
What data sources can be used to identify these members?

When reporting CCS-E, all three methods may be used, using any data source. When reporting CCS, use only administrative data (Administrative Gender of Female [AdministrativeGender code F] any time in the member’s history) to determine members recommended for routine cervical cancer screening.
Where supplemental data may be used for CCS remains the same for MY 2024. Supplemental data may not be used for denominator criteria, except in required exclusions.