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4.15.2019 No Benefit Designation How does an organization determine if the No Benefit designation is appropriate for reporting?

General Guideline 25 in HEDIS Volume 2 explains that benefits are not assessed at the service level. Assessment of benefits must follow the measure specifications under the Benefit section of the Eligible Population criteria. Organizations may not assess benefits at a service level for an NB (No Benefit) audit designation. 

For example:

·    If the organization offers a pharmacy benefit but does not cover a specific medication class, the member has a pharmacy benefit and is included in the applicable measures requiring this benefit.

·    If the organization offers a mental health benefit but does not cover inpatient visits, the member has a mental health benefit and is included in the applicable measures requiring this benefit, unless the measure benefit requires inpatient care, per the Eligible Population benefit requirements (e.g., Follow-up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness requires both inpatient and outpatient mental health coverage).

ALL 2019