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1.15.2019 Supplemental Data When using supplemental data for measures that require a result, does the actual numeric result need to be present in the supplemental data to meet criteria?

Yes. For all measures that require a result, the actual numeric value of the result must be present in the supplemental data to meet criteria. For example, when reporting the BP control indicator of the CDC measure, documentation of the code 3078F alone in the supplemental data cannot be used to indicate a diastolic level that is less than 80. The actual diastolic value (e.g., 79) must be present in the supplemental data to meet criteria. It is appropriate for the approved data to be mapped to code 3078F (or applicable codes) to integrate into vendor or internal systems for measure calculation. Mapping would need to be reviewed and approved by the auditor.

The only exceptions to this are described in a General Guideline FAQ posted 11/15/2018. The exceptions described in the 11/15 FAQ are for the ABA and WCC measures. When reporting the BMI indicators for both measures, height and weight do not need to be in the supplemental data, but the actual BMI value or BMI percentile, with the date, must be present. For the counseling for physical activity indicator of the WCC measure, a code in the supplemental data that is dated during the measurement year alone meets criteria. For counseling for nutrition indicator of the WCC measure, a code in the supplemental data that is dated during the measurement year alone meets criteria.

ALL 2019