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1.15.2019 Medication Management for People With Asthma (MMA) and Adherence to Antipsychotic Medications for Individuals With Schizophrenia (SAA) In HEDIS 2019, step 4 of the numerator calculation was revised to indicate that the ratio should be rounded to the nearest whole number using the .5 rule. Should the value that is calculated using the formula in the measure be multiplied by 100 before rounding to the nearest whole number using the .5 rule?

Yes. The new rounding directions in step 4 are meant to treat the calculated decimal result as a whole number from 0%–100% for the SAA and MMA measures. For example, if a member has 291 total days covered by a medication during a 365-day treatment period, this calculates to 0.7972. Multiply this number by 100, convert it to 79.72% and round it to 80%, the nearest whole number.

ALL 2019