Yes. NCQA is lowering the enrollment threshold for DM 2012 and allowing optional reporting for organizations that do not meet this requirement. Because the threshold will change next year, DM organizations that do not meet the threshold may report in 2011 and earn the Accredited With Performance Reporting status.
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5.16.2011 General Guidelines If a DM organization does not meet the 15,000 minimum enrollment threshold, may it submit DM measure results to NCQA to be scored as a part of accreditation?
5.16.2011 Use of Performance-based Improvement Module (PIM) Element A states that If an organization takes action based on physician completion of an ABMS or AOA board performance-based improvement module generally in conjunction with maintenance of certification) at least every two years, those activities may be used as a quality measure for the purposes of meeting this standard. When counting the quality measures for Element A, for how many measures does NCQA award credit (e.g. for each measure in the PIM or for each PIM)?
Regardless of the number of measures within a PIM, each PIM counts as one standardized measure for PHQ 1, Element A. This is consistent with the current language in the PHQ standards and guidelines (i.e., activities may be used as a measure). To receive credit for using PIMs and for the survey team to verify that the Board requires a PIM as part of certification maintenance, the organization must list in the Survey Tool's Element A Measure Worksheet: (1) the PIMs on which it bases the action; (2) list the source of the measures as Specialty Medical Boards; and (3) provide a direct link to the Board where the PIM and its measures can be found.