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11.17.2008 Measure specifications Expand on the minimum denominator criteria for quality measures. Do you mean minimum observations per measure? Or minimum observations per provider? Or is that already in the requirements?

In measuring physician performance and distinguishing among peers, the organization is required to specify minimum observations or denominators for each measure on which the action is based. Denominators are patient observations, which may include multiple observations for an individual.

Criteria must be defined at the level on which action will be taken.

Note: This applies if the organization uses minimum observations rather than confidence intervals or measure reliability.

11.17.2008 PHQ and Physician Practice Connection Recognition Do you have a crosswalk for PHQ as it relates to Physician Practice Connection (PPC) Recognitionstandard 8 in particular?

No. The PHQ standards evaluate organizations that measure physician performance; PPC recognizes physician practices that use systematic processes and information technology to enhance quality of patient care. The two programs serve different purposes. In particular, PPC 8: Performance Reporting and Improvement focuses on the practices internal measurement and quality improvement process. It does not address the methodology required in PHQ, but focuses on the QI process.

11.17.2008 Delegating PHQ 2 to an NCQA-Certified HIP PHQ has no delegation oversight standard, but information distributed by NCQA in response to HIP Certification indicates that a delegation agreement with an NCQA-Certified HIP is required to receive automatic credit in PHQ 2. Must a health plan show an agreement that meets the six factors typically required by other NCQA delegation standards?

No. Delegation oversight was not included and is not required.

11.17.2008 Pay for Performance Is consumer transparency required for certification? Our program is pay for performance targeted at physicians and hospitals only.

If the organization seeks certification, NCQA evaluates all measures on which it bases action against all elements. If the organization has a physician pay-for-performance program that meets the definition of taking action, then it must meet the elementsincluding all transparency requirements, including, but not limited to, requirements for making available to customers methodology and information about how the measures are used, providing opportunities for input, seeking feedback and having a process for complaints.

If the organizations pay-for-performance program was not designed to include public reporting of physicians measure results, then the organization is not required to make the individual measure results available to customers.

11.17.2008 Handling complaints For the file review component in PHQ 1 (re: member complaints), is there review of a minimum number of files? In other words, we do not anticipate a large number of this type of complaint.

There is no minimum requirement. If the total number of files is fewer than the requested 40 files, NCQA reviews the entire file universe. For file review elements, NCQA follows its 8/30 methodology. Refer to An Explanation of the 8 and 30 File Sampling Procedure on the NCQA Web site at www.ncqa.org/tabid/125/Default.aspx.

11.17.2008 Survey pricing How much does the PHQ Survey cost?

11.17.2008 Quality measures What criteria does NCQA use to determine what constitutes a quality measure vs. another kind of measure?

A quality measure is one of clinical performance or patient experience, where one can generally identify the direction of good, with a clear definition of what is better performance or worse performance.

11.17.2008 Risk adjustment How is risk adjustment defined for quality measures?

Case-mix adjustment considers variations in the health of physicians populations, often defined by age and gender. Severity is a patients degree of illness for a specific mix of conditions (e.g., cancer stages), morbidity or comorbidity. Together, case mix and severity are often called risk. Risk can be either the risk for needing a mix of medical services (utilization and associated costs) or the patients likelihood of achieving a specific level of quality-related outcome.

Risk adjustment may not apply to quality measures, particularly process measures. For quality measures, NCQA requires the organization to demonstrate that it has considered whether to risk-adjust measuresand that it has an explicit methodology if it does and an explicit rationale if it does not. If the organization determines that case-mix and severity adjustment do not apply to a quality measure, it provides documentation that supports the determination. If the organization adjusts measures for case-mix or severity, it provides documentation describing the methodology used.

11.17.2008 Adding new products/product lines to existing PHQ Distinction If a plan was initially PHQ Certified in HMO only and now wants to add PPO, is the certification process separate?

NCQA no longer conducts surveys under the 2006 PHQ standards. If an organization had distinction for its HMO under the 2006 standards and seeks certification for its PPO, the PPO must be reviewed against the 2008 standards. Under the 2008 PHQ standards, if a plan manages both products (e.g., HMO and PPO) the same, NCQA can survey both products together. The organization should contact NCQA to discuss its options, including a possible option to upgrade (i.e., apply some results from its 2006 survey to a 2008 survey). Note: An Upgrade does not extend the expiration date of the Distinction; that date transfers to the new certification status.

11.17.2008 Measure specifications Since NQF does not publish the actual code sets for all its measures, how does NCQA determine that an organization is following the measure specifications as written?

NCQA recognizes that some NQF-endorsed or AQA-approved specifications may require additional specifications to implement in specific contexts. Organizations may supplement endorsed specifications as long as they follow all endorsed specifications and if such supplementation does not alter the intended numerator, denominator and exclusion criteria for the measure.

11.17.2008 Approved measures What percentage of an organization's measures must be approved by NQF, AQA or AMA/PCPI?

To achieve certification, the organization must score at least 50% on Element A, Measuring Physician Performance. The 50% score threshold requires that at least 50% but fewer than 60% of the measures used by the organization to measure physician quality for taking action meet the element (i.e., are standardized). To achieve full points (100%), at least 70% of the measures used by the organization to measure physician quality for taking action must meet the element (i.e., must be standardized)

11.17.2008 Certification time limits How long does certification last?

Certification in PHQ, PQ or HQ is valid for two years. Organizations must undergo a survey against the standards at least every two years to maintain their certification status. Provisional Certification is valid for 12 months; it is a temporary option and will not be offered after June 30, 2009.