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3.16.2012 Diabetes Care (CDC) In the November 2011 release of the MY 2011 P4P specifications, Table CDC-A: Prescriptions to Identify Members With Diabetes does not match exactly with Table CDC-A in the 2012 HEDIS volume. Is this an error?

There is an error in the manual. In Table CDC-A: Prescriptions to Identify Members With Diabetes, in the row Miscellaneous antidiabetic agents, the drug Liraglutide should be included in the table.

This error will be corrected in the September 2012 release of the MY 2012 manual.

3.16.2012 Diabetes Care Blood Pressure Control (<140/90 mm Hg) In the November 2011 release of the MY 2011 P4P specifications, Blood Pressure Control (<140/90 mm Hg) for Diabetes replaced exclusions with the note, The blood pressure reading must be in conjunction with an outpatient visit code or a nonacute inpatient visit code from Table CDC-C. This new note requires physician organizations to map blood pressure pulled from a registry to claim data to identify the specific visit codes. This change is extremely burdensome! Why was it necessary?

P4P made this change to align with HEDIS, but did not consider the unintended impact it will have on POs, which must pull the information from EHRs. Because of the burden to POs, P4P will revert to the prior language for this measure, outlined below.

When identifying the most recent BP reading noted during the measurement year, do not include BP readings that meet the following criteria.

BPs taken during an acute inpatient stay (Table CDC-O)

BPs taken during an ED visit (Table CDC-P)

BPs taken during an outpatient visit where a diagnostic test or surgical procedure was performed (e.g., sigmoidoscopy, removal of a mole) or BPs obtained the same day as a major diagnostic or surgical procedure (e.g., stress test, administration of IV contrast for a radiology procedure, endoscopy) (Table CDC-Q)

BP readings taken by the member.

3.16.2012 Breast Cancer Screening (BCS) On the Clinical Measure file layout the BCS measure is listed as Breast Cancer Screening: Ages 52-69 but the measure description indicates that it is for ages 50 _ 69. Is there an error in the Clinical Measure file layout?

The Clinical Measure file layout is correct. The age band is described as starting at age 52 to account for the two year look-back period for this measure.

3.16.2012 Proportion of Days Covered by Medications (PDC) In the November 2011 release of the MY2011 P4P specifications, the wording under Definitions and Eligible Population is confusing. The definition of the Index Prescription Date (IPD) states that the index date should occur at least 91 days before the end of the measurement period, but under Continuous Enrollment, the manual states that the IPD must occur at least 91 days prior to the end of the measurement year. Should we be looking back from the end of the measurement period or the end of the measurement year?

The Index Prescription Date (IPD) should occur at least 91 days before the end of the measurement period, as stated in the definition of IPD. The Continuous Enrollment section should refer to the measurement period, for both self-reporting POs and for health plans.

This error will be corrected in the September 2012 release of the MY 2012 manual.

3.16.2012 Continuous Enrollment and Allowable Gaps Over Multiple Years In the MY2011 P4P Manual, are the dates correct in the example for Continuous Enrollment and Allowable Gaps Over Multiple Years? They do not seem to match up to the description of gaps in enrollment.

There is an error in the manual. The first date in the example should be November 30, 2010. The full example should read as follows:

For example, in the MY 2011 Breast Cancer Screening measure (which requires 2 years of continuous enrollment), a member who disenrolls on November 30, 2010 (the year prior to the measurement year), and re-enrolls on February 1, 2011 (the measurement year), is considered continuously enrolled as long as there were no other gaps in enrollment during either year. The member has one gap of 31 days (December 1_31) in 2010 and one gap of 31 days (January 1_31) in 2011.

This error will be corrected in the September 2012 release of the MY 2012 manual.

3.16.2012 Asthma Medication Ratio (AMR) In the November 2011 release of the MY 2011 P4P specifications, Table AMR-C: Asthma Medications does not match exactly with Table ASM-C in the 2012 HEDIS volume. Is this an error?

There is an error in the manual. In the Table AMR-C: Asthma Medications, in the row Inhaled steroid combinations the drug Bluticasone-salmeterol should read Fluticasone-salmeterol.

This error will be corrected in the September 2012 release of the MY 2012 manual.

3.16.2012 Encounter Rate Threshold for Clinical Measures Table ENR-F Option A states to use the CMS ASC Approved HCPCS Codes and Payment Rates file and to only use the spreadsheet titled, "Addendum AA_ASC Covered Surgical Procedures (ASC_AddAA.csv) for October 2011". This exact file name is not found in the zip file on the CMS website. Please confirm the file and tab that should be used.

The file name has been updated on the CMS website. To reflect this change, the note under Table ENR-F should read as follow: * These codes can be found on the CMS Web site (http://www.cms.hhs.gov/ASCPayment/11_Addenda_Updates.asp#TopOfPage/). Click October 2011 ASC Approved HCPCS codes and Payment Rates. Use only the spreadsheet titled, Oct11_ASC_Add_AA-BB-DD1_ExtAct.xlsx, and the tab titled Oct11_ASC_AddAA-ExtAct. Only use 5-digit all-numeric CPT codes (Level 1 HCPCS) in the spreadsheet; do not include any codes with an alpha value. This update will be reflected in the September 2012 release of the MY 2012 manual.

3.15.2012 Practitioner participation in the QI program QI 2, Element A, factor 3 requires practitioner participation in the QI program. Is it enough for an organization to only include a medical director in planning, design, implementation and review of the QI program?

No. More than one practitioner must be involved in QI program activities. Participating practitioners must represent a broad spectrum of specialties, as appropriate.

3.15.2012 Assessment against access standards If the organization-level assessment shows that established goals and thresholds were not met for access to appointments, must there be an additional assessment at the practitioner level?

Yes. If performance issues are identified through organization-wide analysis, the organization must perform an analysis at the practitioner level to identify the cause. Practitioner-level assessment may include the total population or a statistically valid sample.

3.15.2012 Cultural preference If an organization only assesses language and gender and matches member and practitioner based on linguistic and gender data, is this acceptable for QI 4, Element A, factor 1?

No. Organizations must assess members cultural, racial, ethnic and linguistic needs then take actions based on its findings. Leaving out one or more of the required assessment areas would not meet the intent of the element.

3.15.2012 Demonstrating improvement Must an organization achieve significant improvement on identified opportunities to meet this element?

No. Data collection methodology must be sound enough to produce valid and reliable results but achievement of significant improvement is not required for QI 10 Element A.

3.15.2012 Analysis of complaint and appeal data May organizations analyze complaint data by the five specified complaint categories and analyze appeal data by the type of procedures appealed?

No. While the organization may have different complaints and appeal category for business purposes, it must analyze and report both complaint and appeal data by the five specified categories for NCQA purposes. Even if the organization has no complaints or appeals in one or more reporting categories, it must still demonstrate its analysis and report the number of complaints and appeals for all five categories.