Technology Solutions for Patient-Centered Specialty Practices

July 28, 2015 · NCQA

The NCQA Prevalidation program—which helps practices pursuing PCMH recognition find information technology that supports a successful survey—is expanding. Many vendors serving primary and specialty care have been waiting for NCQA to open the vendor prevalidation program to the PCSP program. Now, their wait is over.

The vendor prevalidation program has the benefits of practice support and automatic credit for smaller practices ready to implement EHRs and for larger groups with an EHR system in place. When primary care practices implement technology solutions, some elements are specialty-specific. Practices will now have a program to show how their system supports specialty practices in the recognition process. Interested vendors can pre-order the handbook, targeted for release by late August. Visit the NCQA store to pre-order NCQA Prevalidation for PCSP.

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