MACRA Proposed Rules: NCQA’s Initial Reaction

April 27, 2016 · Matt Brock

MACRA: Breaking NewsMedical Professional with Tablet Pc

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released its proposed rules to implement MACRA late this afternoon. You can read a copy here. We have a lot to comb through, but our initial reaction is below:

NCQA strongly supports Medicare’s move to paying for value rather than the volume of care clinicians provide in the proposed rule for implementing the Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA). Paying for value will help greatly improve the quality, cost and beneficiary experience of care by rewarding clinicians for high-quality, efficient, patient-centered care. A cornerstone of MACRA’s value-based goals is reflected in the laws many provisions that promote patient-centered care.

Third-Party Validation

We are particularly pleased that the proposed rule supports independent validation that clinicians are providing patient-centered care in Patient-Centered Medical Homes and Patient-Centered Specialty Practices. The real change MACRA envisions in health care delivery requires objective, third-party validation that practices are delivering patient-centered team-based care with expanded access, care coordination, and helping patients be actively engaged in their own health and health.

NCQA’s Patient-Centered Medical Home and Patient-Centered Specialty Practice programs are national leaders in providing the objective, third-party validation needed to achieve MACRA’s vision. We look forward to working with Medicare and all other stakeholders to ensure that final regulations support independent assurance that clinicians who reap MACRA’s rewards for patient-centered care actually provide it.


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