Heads Up: Ad-Hoc HEDIS® Public Comment, Opens Next Week

October 6, 2020 · NCQA Communications

Your Comments CountNCQA looks to the public to comment on changes to our programs, procedures and processes.  

On TuesdayOctober 13we’ll ask for input on our HEDIS (Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set) measures. 

Public comment is an opportunity for health plans, purchasers, consumers and other stakeholders

to weigh in on the relevance, scientific soundness and feasibility of new or revised measures for HEDIS. 

This year’s ad-hoc public comment is open from Tuesday, October 13TuesdayNovember 3.  

What Are We Seeking Feedback On? 

Here’s a sneak peek of what you might want to comment on:  

  • Retirement of two Health Plan Descriptive Information measures. 
  • Removal of various combination rates in the Childhood Immunization Status measure.  

Why Should You Comment? 

NCQA HEDIS measures are based on published clinical guidelines and published scientific evidence. When guidelines change or new evidence becomes available in the scientific literature, NCQA reviews measures to determine if changes may be needed. NCQA convenes multi-stakeholder advisory groups—including independent scientists, clinicians, consumers and purchasers—to ensure that measures meet and balance the high standards of relevance, scientific soundness and feasibility.  

Public review and comment is an important part of developing and updating HEDIS measures. NCQA reviews all comments received during public comment and presents results to multi-stakeholder advisory groups and to the NCQA Committee on Performance Measurement for deliberation. 

How Can You Comment?  

This year’s ad-hoc public comment will go live at 9:00 am on Tuesday, October 13. We’ll post the link and more details, so check back next Tuesday! 

HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). 
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