Getting Quality Measurement Right and Bringing Order to Complex Data

August 8, 2017 · NCQA Communications

Getting Quality Measurement Right

John D’Amore, President and Chief Strategy Officer, Diameter Health

“As we move from fee-for-service to a world of value-based care, accurately measuring quality is going to be a differentiating factor that we need to get right,” says John D’Amore—and he knows a thing or two about measuring quality. He’s President and Chief Strategy Officer at Diameter Health, a company that brings order to complex clinical data. Diameter Health is among the first organizations to meet the rigorous NCQA standards for eMeasure Certification (eMC). The eMC is designed for organizations like Diameter Health, which develop, license and sell quality-measure reporting software that calculates electronic clinical quality measures.

Quality Measurement

When you’re dealing with so much data, it’s important to use robust data processing methods. “Accurate measurement is dependent on the many codes that determine eligibility, exclusions, and exceptions for each measure. Everything needs to be classified correctly across thousands of patients to get the most accurate results,” says John.
Proven data processing methods not only provide better quality data, they are also better for business. “Quality measures are only going to work when people trust that they are measuring the right thing with a high level of accuracy.”
John continued, “The proliferation of electronic health records, together with new data processing methods, will enable clinicians to use quality measurement with confidence to enable new processes that improve care.”

The Future Is Here

“The healthcare industry has been buzzing for over a decade about transitioning from fee-for-service to a value-based system,” says John. “I won’t say the industry’s approach is fully mature, but we’re beginning to provide the mechanics for enabling new ways to improve the quality of care while reducing costs.”

We featured Diameter Health in the 2016 NCQA Annual Report. See the full report here.

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