NCQA @ #HIMMS16 — We are Talking About ECDS and more!!

March 3, 2016 · NCQA Communications

NCQA @ #HIMMS16 — We’re Talking About ECDS and more! NCQA is at the #HIMMS16 conference this week and we’re talking about ECDS and what’s ahead in health care quality. NCQA’s Vice President for Performance Measurement, Mary Barton, is there highlighting ECDS – short for Electronic Clinical Data Systems. Mary spoke with Joe Lavelle, host of the #PredictWhatMatters program on the IntrepidNow Healthcare Web site about why ECDS is the next generation of quality measures.

NCQA @ #HIMMS16 — We’re Talking About ECDS!

First, what is ECDS?


Mary Barton, NCQA VP, Performance Measurement

Glad you asked. ECDS, is a broad term for the many systems that contain health data. In her interview, Mary explains ECDS makes it easier for providers to report data which ultimately decreases the burden on health plans.

Through ECDS, we are moving from manual chart review to collecting data from different sources. “If a nurse is talking to a patient about self-management, shouldn’t that information be available to the primary care team?” asks Barton.

NCQA is piloting ECDS as part of a learning collaborative involving 13 health plans.

Want to hear more?

Check out Mary’s interview on IntreipdNow to learn more about ECDS and why it’s the future for quality measures.

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