Annual Report: Telling the NCQA Story A New Way

July 20, 2016 · Matt Brock


I’ve got something exciting I’d like to share with you all—a new resource that highlights the scale and scope of the work we’re doing here at NCQA. It’s our annual report, (finally) complete and posted on

I know, I know—you see “annual report” and you think “snooze fest.” But I promise you, there’s not a yawn in it. If you check it out, you’ll see that we successfully avoid the snooze factor.

First, we said goodbye to “hard copies”; this new report is in digital format. And its content is different from past issues. 2015 has a lot to say about very real people, our customers and their patients who benefit from our work. We get a lot of satisfaction from introducing them to you. The 2015 NCQA Annual Report tells a compelling story—stories—by focusing on the very people we aim to work with (and for) and serve every day.


Annual Report: Real People and Their Real Stories


Last year, in this NCQA blog, we told you about the first patient-centered specialty practice that was recognized for its program to tMax Autismreat people with autism. This year, we profile a patient: Max. The lives of Max and his family were changed because of the coordinated care they get at the Hospital for Special Care in Connecticut. And it’s this type of care—and the outcome resulting from that care—that we seek for all families across the country.

There are other profiles in the report: another patient, an advocacy professional who relies on information provided by our public policy team, researchers who count on our unique data to look for ways to improve the quality of health care.


Annual Report: 25 Years of Quality


You might know that 2015 was a special year for NCQA: We celebrated our 25th anniversary. This report and the digital platform capture the excitement in a special section entitled “Quality’s Quarter Century.” There, you’ll find video stories of practices and plans who have made quality a priority. You can also see the many compelling speakers who took the stage for the inaugural Quality Talks.

Give the report a look.

We’re proud of our work. We’re proud of our accomplishments. We’re proud of these personal stories because people are the reason we seek continuous improvement.

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